
Cymdeithas Gymreig Manitoba

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Cymdeithas Gymreig Manitoba – Welsh Society of Manitoba Constitution and By-laws
Adopted 5th May 2018.
Amended 30
th April 2021 by a Special General Meeting of Cymdeithas Gymreig Manitoba – Welsh Society of Manitoba

Article 1: Preamble – Mission Statement

1.1 Cymdeithas Gymreig Manitoba (hereafter referred to as “Y Gymdeithas” or “The Society”) is a non- profit, non-sectarian, non-political organization focusing on the preservation and promotion of all aspects of Welsh culture and life, including but not restricted to, the Welsh language, music, dance, literature, history and sport.

1.2 Aims and Objectives. The society shall undertake various activities and events in keeping with its Mission Statement in association from time to time with other organizations to enhance the Canadian Mosaic by maintaining the Welsh culture.
1.3 Until changed, in accordance with The Corporations Act of Manitoba, the Head Office of the Society shall be that of the Treasurer.

Article 2: Membership

2.1 Membership shall be open to all persons of Welsh heritage and all others who have an interest in Wales and all things Welsh, and who are over the age of majority in Manitoba.
2.2 The executive from time to time award an honorary lifetime membership in the society to any member, who according to the criterial as established by the executive, merits such membership.

Article 3: Governance

3.1 The Society shall be governed by an executive committee of officers (hereafter “the Executive”) comprising of these Table Officers: President, Vice President, General Secretary, Treasurer, and several directors to a maximum of five (5).
3.1.1 Duties of officers. The officers of the society have duties as follows:

a) President:
i. Shall be a member in good standing (as defined below) and served on the board for at least one year before standing for office.
b) Vice President: shall preside in the absence of the president.
c) General Secretary:
i) Shall maintain written records of general meetings and executive meetings
ii) Shall conduct and maintain all correspondence of the Society
iii) Shall maintain an archive of all society documents.
d) Treasurer:
i) Shall maintain an account in the society’s name with a recognized financial institution.
ii) Shall present a written report of the society’s finances to every executive and general meeting.
iii) The accounts may be audited from time to time by a third party outside the society, and a written report on the status of the accounts supplied to the society.
e) Directors: any duties as assigned by the president with the approval of the executive.
f) The immediate Past President shall, ex officio, be a member of the executive.
3.1.2 Vacancies on the executive, however caused, may be filled by a simple majority of the remaining executive appointing a nominee to complete the term of the vacant office.
3.2 Term of Office. Officers shall serve a term of two (2) years.
3.3 Officers and Members at Large shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (hereafter AGM), on or close to St. David’s Day, March 1st.


3.3.1 In the case of multiple officers resigning or being unable to continue in office, a Special General Meeting (hereafter SGM) shall be called for the purpose of electing replacement officers, after notifying all members 30 business days in advance.
3.4 The Executive shall prepare a slate of potential officers and Members at Large prior to the AGM, for approval by the meeting.

3.4.1 Additional nominations, duly seconded by at least one other person, shall be accepted by the President or an officer not running for re-election and delegated by the president to run the meeting, at the appropriate point in the AGM.
3.4.2 A person shall not nominate herself or himself for any office.

3.5 Eligibility to vote. Only members in good standing may vote in any election of officers. Good Standing is defined as a person who has been a member of the society for the calendar year before the general meeting, and whose membership has been renewed on or before the date of the general meeting.

3.6 Quorum requirements for meetings
a) The quorum for a General meeting of the membership, whether the AGM or a SGM shall be twenty five percent of the current membership plus one person (25%+1).
b) The quorum for an executive meeting shall be fifty percent plus one (50% + 1).
3.7 The executive may co-opt additional personnel from the membership, on an ad hoc basis, for any given project.
3.8 A member of the executive who misses three consecutive meetings may be removed by a simple majority vote of the executive.
3.8.1 It shall be the prerogative of the president, subject to the agreement of the executive, to fill vacancies, however they may occur.
3.8.2 Persons leaving the executive for any reason whatsoever shall return any and all articles, including digital records, being the property of the society, to the President acting for the society. Article 4: Finances
4.1 Funding. The society shall raise funds as follows:
a) An annual membership fee levied upon all persons wishing to be voting members of the
society. The fee shall be determined by the executive, notification given in advance and approved by the next general meeting.
b) Fundraising events may be held by the society, as determined by the executive, in accordance with the laws of Manitoba.
c) Donations from individuals and corporations, for which a receipt shall be issued.
d) Grants from organizations.
Article 5: Communications
5.1 The executive shall appoint a sub-committee to disseminate society news and items of interest, to the membership and general public, using a variety of means including but not restricted to: a newsletter, a website, social media.
5.2 The communications sub-committee shall make regular reports to the executive on projects it has undertaken.
5.3 The communications subcommittee shall be responsible for, and shall provide the publicity for, the society’s activities as well as marking important dates (e.g. St David’s Day), in particular, all events scheduled or promoted by the society, whether they be for the membership only, or for the general public.
Article 6: Culture
6.1 The society shall appoint a sub-committee to plan for events for the society designed to promote all aspects of Welsh culture, including but not limited to, Welsh music, dance and song, in keeping with its Mission Statement.


6.1.2 The subcommittee shall consist of a minimum of three members, including but not limited to at least one member conversant with the Welsh language and traditions, as well as the music director of the choir supported by the society, and the leaders of any dance or instrumental groups maintaining a relationship with the society from time to time.

6.1.3 The society shall ensure and support the existence and continuance of a choir, historically known as ‘The St David’s Singers’, whose aim will be the promotion of Welsh music and song
6.1.4 The society shall from time to time and as necessary, seek out suitably qualified persons to act as music director for the choir, and provide support to the music director as needed, including but not limited to: the obtaining of the services of a qualified pianist to accompany the choir; the provision of funds for the purchase of sheet music; and payment of rent for rehearsal space.

6.1.5 The society shall endeavor to maintain a relationship with instrumental and/or dance groups in Manitoba specializing in Welsh folk song, dance and music, and provide support to such groups in keeping with the Society’s Mission Statement and the means of the Society from time to time.
6.1.6 The society shall encourage creative activities among members of the Welsh community in Manitoba, congruent with the aims of the society.

7: Process for amending this constitution
7.1 The process for amending the constitution may be initiated in one of the following ways:
a) by the executive committee and approved at an executive meeting by a 2/3 majority of ALL executive members
b) by members not on the executive, provided it is proposed by one member and seconded by at least three other members who are not on the executive. This amendment must be submitted 45 days before a general meeting, giving sufficient time for the executive to advise the membership in general of the proposed amendment and include the item on the agenda for the AGM or a special general meeting called for the purpose of dealing with the proposed amendment.

7.2 A proposed amendment shall be presented to the membership at least 30 days before the next Annual General Meeting, or a Special General Meeting convened to debate and approve or disapprove the amendment by a two-thirds majority of the members present.
7.3 An amendment shall become effective forthwith upon being approved by an AGM or SGM. The constitution document shall be updated, and a copy of the amended constitution lodged with the appropriate Provincial and/or Federal offices as required by Provincial or Federal law or regulation.

Adopted 5th May 2018.

President:  Carol Sharp

Secretary: Philip Winkless